Image of Artwork-by-Zafeerah-Ravat-(1) sized to 845x321

Escape from Reality

  • Artist

    Zafeerah Ravat

    Instagram: @artby_rory

    Twitter: @Artbyrory

  • Available to View

    March 2022

  • Gallery


About this Artist

Zafeerah Ravat is a South African artist and a descendant of Indian indentureship. Graffiti on abandoned buildings and bridge sides in her home city of Johannesburg was her first introduction to and inspiration of an artistic future. Zafeerah specializes in intricate mandala art inspired by her Indian heritage, and her love for detail. As a child she was always attracted to bright, bold colours that expressed her unique connections to South Africa and India, something that is clearly presented in the majority of her art pieces. As a psychology student she takes deep interest in understanding the mind and the unique nuances in people’s creative and mental experiences. She uses art as a platform to portray worlds, dimensions, and connections that differ from reality. Her art is created using mixed mediums such as ink, acrylics, watercolour, and markers. She enjoys creating art that requires a second look to fully appreciate all of the minimal details hidden within bold structures.