Join the Carrollwood Winds, under the direction of John Poore, for an afternoon of magnificent marches.
The Carrollwood Winds is a concert band comprised of local community members committed to performance. The band performs a wide range of literature at the high school and college levels. Members of the band are not beginners or novices but rather members of the community with band experience who are looking for a venue to continue their craft.
For this concert, the Winds are delighted to present an afternoon of marches composed by John Philip Sousa, Bela Bartok, Dmitri Shostakovich, John Cacavas, R. Vaughn Williams, John Williams, and Eric Osterling.
Admission: $12 member / $15 general admission
Online processing fees apply.
Remember to “Round It Up.” Please consider donating when registering for classes or purchasing tickets. Your donation can be as simple as rounding your total to the nearest five or ten dollars — or whatever amount you wish to give. Thank you for your contribution!