Teen Design & Paint Mural

  • Class Description

    Mural Making class iconThis class offers teens an enriching opportunity to engage in public art while learning from professionals.

    Students will develop skills and contribute to the vibrancy and beautification of the community. This 12-week course will teach students how to create, design, paint, and collaborate on a large-scale public Carrollwood Cultural Center mural. The new mural will be celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on April 12, 2025.

  • Instructor
    Michele Stone Art Curator

    Michele Stone

  • Age


  • Level

    All Levels

  • Location

    Art Room I

  • Required Materials


  • Materials Fee


  • Tuition

    $170 member / $200 non-member

  • Round It Up

    Donate IconConsider making a donation when registering for classes or purchasing tickets. Your donation can be as simple as rounding your total to the nearest five or ten dollars — or whatever amount you wish to give. Thank you for your contribution!

Registration for 2025 classes will open on November 8 at 10 a.m.

Winter I & II

“Illuminated Paintings”

The Carrollwood Cultural Center is honored to display these works of art created by students enrolled in the spring session of our 2023 Design & Paint a Mural class for ages 13 to 15. The students and their instructor Michele Stone worked on these pieces for several weeks, from conception to the finished product. The students also participated in the unveiling in May 2023.

These public art pieces are located around the main parking lot of the Carrollwood Cultural Center.

“The Evolution of Hope”

In their first off-site project, the Carrollwood Cultural Center’s Design & Paint a Mural class painted this piece called “The Evolution of Hope.” The teen students spent 12 weeks conceptualizing, planning, and painting this work of art under the direction of their instructor Michele Stone.

Congratulations to our 2022-23 Design & Paint a Mural class artists!

“Everglades & Oranges”

The Carrollwood Cultural Center is honored to display this mural created by students enrolled in our 2022 Design & Paint a Mural class for ages 13 to 15. The students, along with their instructor Michele Stone, worked on this piece for 12 weeks from conception to finished product. The students also participated in the unveiling on April 9, 2022.

This public art is located on the left outdoor alcove of the Carrollwood Cultural Center.