By Tennessee Williams
- February 17 • 8 pm
- February 18 • 8 pm
- February 19 • 2pm
- February 24 • 8pm
- February 25 • 8 pm
- February 26 • 2pm
Amanda Wingfield is a faded remnant of a Southern gentility who now lives in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son, Tom, and her daughter, Laura, who has a physical handicap and debilitating shyness. The father has left home; Tom supports his mother and sister with a shoe-factory job he finds unbearable. When Amanda convinces Tom to bring home from his workplace a “gentleman caller” for Laura, the illusions that Tom, Amanda, and Laura have each created in order to make life bearable collapse about them.
The Glass Menagerie is presented through special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service.
Admission: $18 member / $23 general admission
Group Rate (10+ people): $19 per ticket
(This event has reserved seating.)
Remember to “Round It Up” and make a donation to the Center’s Operating Fund. Consider making a donation when registering for classes or purchasing tickets. Your donation can be as simple as rounding your total to the nearest five or ten dollars — or whatever amount you wish to give. Thank you for your contribution!