This art show explores the atmosphere. Florida is mostly flat, and the sky looks like a vast bowl—upside down—hovering over our heads. The majesty of Florida’s atmosphere is expressed in towering thunderstorms, high-flying Cirrus clouds, and flat misty grey coverage—not to mention brilliant blues and blue-greens that morph into lavender, flame red, and yellow sunsets.
In Florida, The Sky’s the Limit, and anything is possible.
Gallery Hours:
Most Mondays through Fridays
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Most Saturdays
9 a.m. – noon
Summer Gallery Hours (June 3-August 2):
Most Mondays through Fridays
5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Most Saturdays
9 a.m. – noon
Our gallery is unique because it is integrated in everything we do! When you take a class, see a show, or rent a room, our gallery surrounds you. Please call ahead to ensure the gallery is available for viewing at the time you wish to visit.
Winners of The Sky’s the Limit