Mommy & Me Belly Dancing

  • Class Description

    Mommy and Me Belly Dance class tileSchedule some fun, interactive time to learn and bond with your child.

    Belly dance offers many benefits, including coordination, grace, and creativity. It also encourages self-esteem and confidence! Join with your child today.

    (The tuition is for one adult and one child.)

  • Instructor

    Sasha Lukien

  • Age

    18+ for adult/guardian

    5+ for child

  • Level


  • Location

    Dance Studio

  • Required Materials


  • Materials Fee:


  • Tuition

    $68 member / $80 non-member

    (The tuition is for one adult and one child.)

  • Round It Up

    Donate IconConsider making a donation when registering for classes or purchasing tickets. Your donation can be as simple as rounding your total to the nearest five or ten dollars — or whatever amount you wish to give. Thank you for your contribution!