About this Artist
Raquel Núñez Piñeres is a Colombian artist born in Cartagena de Indias. Her art studies began at the Academia de Bellas Artes in Cartagena de Indias were she graduate in Art Painting. She also obtained a degree in Plastic Arts at the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Bogotá. Since 1998 Raquel resides in Miami.
To Raquel art represents one of the greatest means of human expression. Painting, writing, sculpting or playing an instrument are expressions of the immense capacity of humans to create.
Raquel’s work is evidence of the creative process, the way that she reflects this language in her work, the new codes that allow the spectator to relate to the artist and above all reveal the message.
Just like thousands of other painters, Raquel looks to transmit infinite emotions through the use of the human figure. Her artistic production has the mix of a particular technique that combines the detail with the general space, the use of color to allow the contrast and a common denominator in her style that is the search of her own identity.
Raquel creates, transforms and communicates. She is intuitive and declarative as she redefines and abstracts. This search creates a constant state of change in her work and its development in a permanent challenge between the white canvas and the creative power that gives testimony to the powerful force of expression.