Acrylic Painting & Drawing
- Class Description
This is a 12-week intro and intermediate painting class with basic drawing instruction. Students will explore the use of acrylic paint, color theory, composition and individual style development. Students will sketch from still life set-ups, develop a composition and execute a painting. Class critiques will follow each session.
- Instructor
- Age
- Level
Beginner with little to no knowledge
- Location
Art Room 1
- Required Materials
Small Tablet, Drawing paper, portfolio, xacto knife, Hard Eraser, HB 28 Pencils, Drawing Board (optional), Paper palette, variety of acrylic paint brushes, water container, Acrylic paint (liquetex or golden brand), White, Alizeran crimson, cadmium red, pthalo blue, cobalt blue, Hansa Yellow, Cadmium yellow, 3 stretched canvases (all supplies can be found at Blick Art Supply or Michaels)
- Materials Fee
$2 (due to the instructor on the first day of class)
- Tuition
$170 member / $200 non-member